Many plants around the globe are utilizing organic materials such as animal manure, food waste, maize, grass, wheat and more to produce biogas. The biogas plants are perfectly suited to close ecological cycles, in order to reduce the carbon footprint, increase resource efficiency and add value to local economies.
– providing they operate efficiently and predictably.
However, to achieve that, there is a strong demand for a robust, high quality, versatile, effective and economical solution to remove H2S in the best possible way.
Fortunately, our scientists engineered FerroSorp® S media pelletsto overcome even the most difficult H2S problems, thus providing biogas plant operators with the ideal solution to bind H2S.
FerroSorp® S – a high quality product Made in Germany – is a pelletized and highly effective media based on iron hydroxide. For over 20 years FerroSorp® S has proven itself to be the best product for the job, even under some of the harshest, most- challenging gas conditions. The result is, that each year more and more sites around the globe opt for using FerroSorp® S as their solution to the H2S problem.
Agricultural biogas plant
Gas containing H2S is passed through a filter vessel filled with FerroSorp® S media pellets. Two chemical reactions occur: First, H2S and iron hydroxide react to form solid iron sulphide. Second – either simultaneously or in a parallel vessel – oxygen converts the pellets back into iron hydroxide in a process called regeneration. Elemental sulphur is formed and accumulates within the pores of the media pellets, which results in high loading rates, long media lifecycles, and minimised clumping.
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